Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Diary: Week Nineteen

"Let's go home, let's go home," I hear someone singing inside me the happy tune over the last few days. More and more the thought of seeing my loved ones are getting stronger.
And as I near the ending of the fellowship, I started getting excellent story ideas but, alas, it's too late to do all of them. I have less than two weeks and several other things to do, like buying gifts, packing up my personal stuff and those at my apartment, seeing all the friends I have here, settling bills, and above all, doing official things like diaries, essays etc.
One of the fellows told me it's time now to stop working since we've such short time for doing all these, and I agree. But, my wife would say it's still a long time.
I also have other things to do: preparation for workshops in Bangladesh. As my mentor and I are planning for it, we decided to talk with the leaders of some departments in the Post-Gazette to know about PG strategies in running the departments.
We started it last week when we held meetings with the PG Advertising Director Randall Brant and New Media Manager Mary Ann Brown.
This week, we held meetings with marketing director Tracey D'Angelo and circulation marketing manager Tom O'Boyle.
When I was thinking about a primary outline for what would be my role and what Greg's in our workshop, the points I noted down for discussion includes, other than the reporting, writing, revision, internet use etc skill,
newspaper industry in the U.S., it's development, role in the society, state of it's freedom, overall operation, gradual slide in print edition circulation and strategies to cope with it, and digital convergence.
Greg will have to speak about most of these. Greg will also talk about his own side, the OpEd/Forum page.
But he also has other things to do: talking about newspaper management that includes editorial policy, new media development, marketing, advertisement and circulation.
As I am also interested about these, we planned to hold meetings with the leaders of the departments who won't share their strategies with anyone from other newspapers in the U.S. And that's the reason I also don't want to put these here.
But is is very interesting to see changes in all their strategies after newspaper circulation started falling down.
I did not write any new story this week, and my editor gave me two story ideas on the last day of the week. I'm going to write a story on abdominal aortic

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